
M-Around Educational Ltd. was established in 2016 when three educational experts decided to use their knowledge and experience to engage people in life-long learning.
works in different areas that linked to human resource development, education,
training and organisational development. Since the start of the operation we
have initiated different projects focusing on different levels and layers of
education. Now we are engaged in Erasmus+ KA2, KA1 and national projects, like
EFOP and GINOP projects and work with 6 people on daily basis.
M-Around is
an active initiator of local innovations and involves different organisations
into activities, like the local primary school, preschool, nursery, the
library, elderly care centre, sports associations, youth association and also
private companies and the local council of Maroslele.
Due to the wide international network, M-Around plays a host partner role of Dutch, Danish, French, Finnish educational bodies and arranges courses, study visits and work placement for staff members and students as well.